A ctenophorid lizard from Ravenshoe in Queensland, observed Boxing Day 2008. I'd appreciate help with the identification. Ctenophorids are widespread in Australia and show considerable variation in appearance. if I get a chance, I'll ask Hal.
A ctenophorid lizard from Ravenshoe in Queensland, observed Boxing Day 2008. I'd appreciate help with the identification. Ctenophorids are widespread in Australia and show considerable variation in appearance. if I get a chance, I'll ask Hal.
Ctenophorus cristatusWe found two of these lizards and they were quite happy to stop for a photo-shoot! It was interesting to watch this one run on its back legs, head up and front feet in the air. This is why they are called "Bicycle dragons".
Ctenophorus cristatusWe found two of these lizards and they were quite happy to stop for a photo-shoot! The first was slightly larger and more colourful.