
Description ( anglais )

fourni par Journal of Hymenoptera Research (archived)
As indicated under Phylogenetic Analysis above, Larrisson nedymus does not cluster with either the remaining Larrisson or Sericophorus and requires a genus of its own. Like Larrisson, Larrissa is a member of the tribe Miscophini because of the round, not modified, hind ocellus and the simply attenuate hindfemur in combination with the emarginate posterior mandibular margin. It is characterized by the presence of two discoidal and three submarginal cells, the second submarginal not petiolate but distinctly narrowing toward the front margin, and the first recurrent vein ending on the first submarginal cell. Larrissa appears most closely related to Larrisson and Sericophorus.Like Larrisson, it differs from Sericophorus by the following: the posterior propodeal surface has no medioventral carina (carina present in Sericophorus), the male flagellum has 11 articles (10 in Sericophorus), a volsella is present (absent in Sericophorus), and the occipital carina does not join the hypostomal carina (joins in the vast majority of Sericophorus). It also differs in having a mesopleuron abruptly angular below the pronotal lobe, the mesothoracic venter conspicuously concave mesally, and the female gena with an angular bulge near the middle. Unlike Larrisson, Larrissa has the following: frons uniformly punctate and setose (without glabrous scapal basin, Fig. 25a); length of scape 1.1–1.3 × maximum width; inner mandibular margin without preapical tooth, but with two teeth near midlength (Fig. 25a); mesopleuron abruptly angular below pronotal lobe; forewing vein M diverging from M+Cu basad of cu-a; basolateral carina of tergum I expanded into lamella; female gena with angular bulge near middle; female tergum VI with impunctate, glabrous marginal lamella (Fig. 26a); male forecoxa with apical spine and foretrochanter excavated basally, volsella ending at half length of penis valve, and head of penis valve dentate. In Larrisson, the frons has an impunctate or sparsely to densely punctate scapal basin above each antennal socket (Figs 25b-d); length of scape (excluding radicle) is 2.3–2.8 × maximum width; inner mandibular margin with preapical tooth, at most with one obtuse tooth near midlength; mesopleuron rounded anteriorly, not abruptly angulate; forewing vein M diverging from M+Cu distad of cu-a or interstitial with cu-a; basolateral carina of tergum I not expanded into lamella; female gena without angular bulge; female tergum VI without impunctate, glabrous marginal lamella; male forecoxa and foretrochanter not modified, volsella ending shortly before apex of penis valve or exceeding apex of penis valve, and head of penis valve not dentate.
droit d’auteur
Wojciech J. Pulawski
citation bibliographique
Pulawski W (2012) A review of the genus Larrisson Menke, 1967, and description of the new genus Larrissa (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae) Journal of Hymenoptera Research 25: 35–82
Wojciech J. Pulawski