.Pirineo aragons: valle de Pineta. Espaa.EscaneadaFamilia: LILIACEAE (incl. AMARYLLIDACEAEDistribucin: N de Espaa y Francia (Corbieres y Montaa Negra). En la Pennsula Ibrica en el Pirineo y Montes Cantbricos, con buena representacin al E del Pas Vasco. Dispersa por el Pirineo aragons, con algn punto en el Prepirineo, con lmite meridional en San Juan de la Pea, Oroel, Biescas, Tella, Pea Montaesa y la solana del Turbn.Hbitat: Herbazales frescos, claros forestales, megaforbios y rellanos de roquedos en ambientes karstificados.Preferencia edfica: Indiferente Rango altitudinal: ( 1090 ) 1350- 2100 ( 2600 ) mFloracin: Mayo - Julio ( Agosto )Fructificacin: Junio - AgostoForma Biolgica: Gefito bulbosoExtractado del Atlas de la Flora de Aragn (Herbario de Jaca
Sigale, Provence-Alpes-Cte d'Azur, France
Orinda, California, United States
Orinda, California, United States
Orinda, California, United States
St.-Martin-Vsubie, Provence-Alpes-Cte d'Azur, France
2021.06.29 Ruissalo, Turku, Finland
Durnstein, Lower Austria, Austria
2010.06.13 Lower Austria, Hollabrunn/Thaya National Park (310 m AMSL).Rare, but here in this habitat relatively common.Flowering in june/july, here only showing buds (and only on sunnier places slowly beginning to open them); as confirmed by a friend, they were flowering last year at this time already - so vegetation is, phenologically, way back behind last year (which wasn't an early year at all), possibly as much as a week or even more.German name: TrkenbundID: Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora (2008 3rd)
2010.07.04 Czech Republic, esk Krumlov (broadleaf forest/meadow, umava nature reserve 825 m AMSL).Rare, and especially rare in this habitat (silicate soil of the Bohemian massive).German name: Trkenbund-LilieID: Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora (2008 3rd)
Landkreis Traunstein, Bavaria, Germany
St.-Martin-Vesubie, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
2009.07.23: Austria, Lower Austria, district Neunkirchen (exact location confidential), mixed forest (mainly broadleaf - Acer and Fagus; exact location given slightly incorrectly on purpose).Flowering in june/july.Not uncommon; on this place growing from around 900 m AMSL up to ~1200 m AMSL - on open, grassy lands above 1000 m.German names: Trkenbund-Lilie, Trkenbund.ID: Fischer, Exkursionsflora 3rd
2011-07-17 Lower Austria, district Neunkirchen - Puchberg am Schneeberg (mixed forest, 930 msm Quadrant 8161/3).German name: Trkenbund-Lilie
St.-Martin-Vsubie, Provence-Alpes-Cte d'Azur, France
2010.07.04 Czech Republic, esk Krumlov (broadleaf forest/meadow, umava nature reserve 825 m AMSL).Rare, and especially rare in this habitat (silicate soil of the Bohemian massive).German name: Trkenbund-LilieID: Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora (2008 3rd)