Image de <i>Axinidris gabonica</i> Snelling & R.

Axinidris gabonica Snelling & R.

Diagnostic Description ( anglais )

fourni par Plazi (legacy text)

Figures 3, 13, 23

Worker diagnosis. Antennal scape with sparse short erect hairs; upper frons and pronotum each with two long erect hairs; gastral terga 3 - 4 each with one pair of long erect hairs; propodeal spines short and thick; head and body mostly shiny.

Worker measurements (mm) (n = 3). HW 0.77 - 0.83; HL 0.83 - 0.90; SL 0.72; EL 0.21 - 0.22; OVD 0.28 - 0.30; PNW 0.50 - 0.56; PPW 0.36 - 0.40; WL 1.01 - 1.10. Indices. CI 91 - 94; CNI 117 - 140; OI 25 - 26; SI 86 - 93.

Worker description. Head shiny, frons weakly coriarious between sparse distinct punctures, more strongly sculptured on frontal area; gena and malar area shinier and almost smooth. Antennal scape shafts with a few widely spaces fine erect hairs; frons, below vertex, with 1 pair of long erect hairs and a shorter pair near upper end of frontal carinae and a still shorter pair at lower end of carinae; clypeus with about 6 long erect hairs.

Pronotum shiny and nearly smooth between distinct sparse punctures and with a single long erect hair near each humerus (Fig. 13). Mesonotum similar to pronotum, but narrowly contiguously punctate posteriorly. Metanotal spiracles elevated but appressed to base of propodeum, not conspicuous in profile. Mesepisternum largely smooth and shiny anteriorly, becoming duller and contiguously punctate posteriorly. Propodeum slightly shiny, contiguously to subcontiguously punctate; spiracular prominence weak and spiracular opening directed distad; medial carina present on posterior half of dorsal face, absent from declivitous face, slightly elevated at summit of declivity and low and broadly rounded in profile; propodeal spines short and blunt, obtuse in dorsal view with straight outer margins, distance between outer margins of apices distinctly less than distance between spiracles.

Gastral terga shiny, smooth to weakly coriarious; T 3 - T 4 each with a single long erect hair on each side; appressed pubescence sparse.

Head blackish, body dark brown; distal portion of mandible yellowish, with reddish yellow teeth; legs brown, distitarsi yellowish; petiole mostly whitish.

Queen and male unknown.


The name is derived from that of the country of origin.


This species will run to A. murielae Shattuck in the key by Shattuck (1991), but is immediately separable by the scarcity of erect hairs on the vertex and frons. The general habitus is similar, but A. gabonica is darker, and in both species the punctures of the frons and pronotum are relatively coarse.

not applicable
citation bibliographique
Snelling, R. R., 2007, A review of the arboreal Afrotropical ant genus Axinidris., Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, pp. 551-579, vol. 80
Snelling, R. R.
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Plazi (legacy text)