Humboldt squid (Dosidicus gigas)A Humboldt squid (Dosidicus gigas) dashing in front of the ROV camera. This photo was taken at a depth of -481.8 meters in Sur Canyon as a part of a deep-sea coral expedition conducted by NMFS aboard the R/V Shimida in December, 2010.From
Helicocranchia sp., ventral view of specimen from the vicinity of Kauai, partially restored. In this figure the mantle is scarcely represented as sufficiently elongate and the arms are probably shown as much too short and stocky.
Cephalopods. Chiroteuthis lacerlosa Verrill; Loligo Pealei var. Borealis
Indian Deep-Sea Mollusca. Chiroteuthis pellucida, from the Bay of Bengal, 922 fathoms
Cephalopods. Ommastrephes illecebrosus V
Taonius paso Lesueur, d'apres Joubin, face ventrale (Princesse-Alice).
Histioteuthis de Bonelle. Bistioteuthis Bonelliana
Megalocranchia fisheri, ventral view of type.
Cephalopode Transparent : Grimalditeuthis Richardi. Le Transparence de ces mollusques est si parfaite qu'il devient parfois difficile de deisinguer l'ensemble de leur corps; en revanche, elle permet de faire de curieuses observations sur les fonctions de certains de leur organes
Cephalopods. Archieuthis harveyi
Ommastrephes illecebrosus.
Taonius hyperboreus Stp., N. Atlantic.
Ommastrephes hawaiiensis, ventral view of type [243].
Grimaldituthis Richardi, d'apris Joubin, face ventrale (Princesse-Alice).
Giant Squid NASA
Giant Squid. Architeunthis princeps, Verrill
Cephalopods. Ommastrephes illeebrosus Verrill; Loligo Pealei var. Pallida
Cephalopods. Architeuthis harveyi; Head and Arms, Body and Caudal Fin
Pterygioteuthis microlampas, ventral view of female.