Saltø Å, Denmark
Saltø Å, Denmark
Saltø Å, Denmark
Saltø Å, Denmark
Saltø Å, Denmark
Aqua Silkeborg
Aqua Silkeborg
Brown Trout.
Brown Trout : Von Behr Trout.
2-lb. Brown Trout Kelt. Loch Dupplim. March 1906.
Brown trout [upper]. and Sea-trout [lower], 1 1/2 lbs each, from the Tay, showing the difference. 20th April 1908
[Sea Trout] 1-oz. Loch Leven. 1st Feburary 1906.
Common Trout. Shot; Trutta fluviatilis
Salmo brachypoma.
German, or Brown Trout (Salmo fario).
Von Behr Trout or European Brown Trout (Salmo Fario).
Brown Trout (Salmo fario Linnaeus) (Introduced).
Brown Trout (Salmo fario). Caught in Caledonia Creek on which the State Hatchery of same name is situated. These fish were not more than twelve years old.
Brown Trout (Salmo fario). This is the common brook trout of Europe, and it has been named Von Behr Trout by the United States Fish Commission.
Salmo fario, var. Ausonii (Linneaus).
Lock Levin Trout (Salmo levinensis).
Loch Leven Trout (Salmo trutta levenensis).
Loch Leven Trout (Salmo trutta levnensis).