Hypolimnas bolina - female While in Darwin over the weekend, we photographed this magnificent butterfly. Photo: Fred 7 May 2018
Tucson, Arizona, United States
Hypolimnas bolina - female While in Darwin over the weekend, we photographed this magnificent butterfly.
La Foa, Sud, Nouvelle-Caldonie
Clump Point, Queensland, Australia
Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
Forest Hill, Queensland, Australia
Sarawak, Malaysia
Hypolimnas bolina. Photographer: Dexter Hinckley.
La Foa, Sud, Nouvelle-Caldonie
The Settlement, Christmas Island
Casambalangan, Cagayan Valley, Philippines
Memot, Cambodia
Sarawak, Malaysia
Mitchell, Queensland, Australia
La Foa, Sud, Nouvelle-Caldonie
The Settlement, Christmas Island
Kedavoor, Kerala, India
Hypolimnas bolina , female (Common Egg-fly butterfly)Subfamily: Nymphalinae (Fleckenfalter)Family: Nymphalidae (Edelfalter)plantCombretum indicum (Combretaceae) - Rangunschlinger, eine verholzende Schlingpflanze die unterhalb 1500m als Zierpflanze in den Tropen angepflanzt wird.Indonesia, W-Java, Tangerang: BSD (garden), 40m asl., 11.12.2009(IMG_7284)
Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Carmoo, Queensland, Australia