Found in large emergent wetlands associated with Hall Creek
Found in large emergent wetlands associated with Hall Creek
Found in large emergent wetlands associated with Hall Creek
Juvenile by old farm pond associated with headwaters of Samish River
Juvenile by old farm pond associated with headwaters of Samish River
Egg mass in emergent wetlands associated with headwaters of Samish River
Egg mass in emergent wetlands associated with headwaters of Samish River
Juvenile found in beaver-dammed wetland on tributary of Spada Lake
Image could be of Rana aurora, Rana draytonii, or a hybrid of the two as it was found in the contested hybrid/intergradation zone.
Image could be of Rana aurora, Rana draytonii, or a hybrid of the two as it was found in the contested hybrid/intergradation zone.
egg mass anchored to emergent vegetation
embryos about to hatch within egg mass