Comprehensive Description
fourni par North American Flora
Antirhea cahosiana Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 22A1'':
93. 1929.
A small tree, the young branchlets more or less compressed, very minutely spreadingpilosulous, the internodes 2-8 mm. long, the older branches terete, gray, plicate-striate and lenticellate; stipules ovate-acuminate, 4 mm. long, appressed-pilosulous, soon deciduous* leaves clustered at the apices of the branchlets, the petioles 4—6 mm. long, pilosulous ; leaf-blades oval or elliptic, broadest at the middle, obtuse or rounded at the apex, acute or subobtuse at the base, thick-membranaceous, 7 cm. long and 3 cm. wide or smaller, lustrous and glabrous above, the costa impressed, the nerves prominulous, minutely pilosulous beneath along the costa and slightly domatiate in the axils of the nerves, the costa slender, prominent, the lateral nerves 10-12 on each side, slender, prominent, ascending at an angle of 60-75°; inflorescences axillary, minutely pilosulous, bifurcate, the peduncles 1.5-3 cm. long, the branches simple or again bifurcate, 1-2 cm. long, 4-7-flowered, the flowers sessile; calyx and hj'panthium 2 mm. long, minutely pilosulous, the hypanthium obovoid-cylindric, the calyx crenulate, half as long as the hypanthium; corolla white, 5 mm. long (or probably longer) ; fruit red, oblong, 7 mm. long, 3-35. mm. thick, 2or 3-celled, with fleshy exocarp.
Type locality: Limestone soil, Hatte-Grammont, near Dessalines, Massif des Cahos, Haiti. Distribution: Limestone hills and mountains of Haiti.
- citation bibliographique
- Paul Carpenter Standley. 1934. RUBIALES; RUBIACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 32(4). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY