Image de Hexamitidae

Description :
This scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of an untreated water specimen extracted from a wild stream mainly used to control flooding during inclement weather, revealed the presence of unidentified organisms, which included bacteria, protozoa, and algae. Clearly visible in the center of this image, was a exquisitely-formed unidentified round vescicle-shaped microorganism, which may have been algal, or diatomic. Shaped like an ancient Grecian urn, the almost perfectly rounded smooth, flawless surface was made even more beautiful given its delicate structure. For a colorized version of this image, see PHIL 11709.
Created: 2009
Inclus dans les pages suivantes :
- Life
- Cellular (Organismes cellulaires)
- Eukaryota (eucaryotes)
- Excavates
- Metamonada
- Fornicata
- Diplomonadida
- Hexamitidae
- Giardia
Cette image ne figure dans aucune collection.
Informations sur la provenance
- licence
- cc-publicdomain
- photographe
- Janice Haney Carr
- fournisseur
- Public Health Image Library
- original
- fichier de média d’origine
- visiter la source
- site partenaire
- Public Health Image Library
- ID