
Image de Dasymutilla Ashmead 1899

Image de Dasymutilla Ashmead 1899

Description :

Under a moderate magnification of 294X, this scanning electron micrograph (SEM) focused on the distal tip of a female velvet ant’s, Dasymutilla sp., stinger. Note that the stinger’s tip is encased in a bulbous sheath, which may act to protect the delicate sharp tip from being damaged, which would reduce its effectiveness when trying to penetrate its victim. Take a look at PHIL 9882 and 9883 for even closer views of this structure. Also see PHIL 4638, 6363, and 6364 for photographs of the ant revealing its coloration, and velvety covering of external chitinous hairs.
Created: 2007

Informations sur la provenance

Janice Carr
Public Health Image Library