
Image de Tremella foliacea

Image de <i>Tremella foliacea</i>

Description :

Slo.: listasta drhtavka - Lower side pressed to the wood. - Habitat: In a group of Betula pendula trees as a pioneer species on an abandoned pasture; shallow, moderately acid soil on cretaceous clastic rock (flysh), south oriented, warm place, exposed to direct rain, partly in shade, precipitations ~3.000 mm/year, average temperature 8-10 deg C, altitude 585 m (1.900 feet), alpine phytogeographical region. - Substratum: Fallen and partly rotten trunk of Betula pendula, still in bark. - Comments: Growing solitary, `pileus` width about 30 cm (one foot); flesh very hard and brittle when completely dry. SP very faint, possibly white-yellowish (?). Spore dimensions: 9.6 (SD = 0.6) x 7.2 (SD = 0.4) micr., Q = 1.33 (SD = 0.07), n = 30. Motic B2-211A, magnification 1.000 x, oil, in water. - Ref.: (1) D.Arora, Mushrooms Demystified, Ten Speed Press, Berkeley (1986), p 673. (2) http://www.mushroomexpert.com/tremella_foliacea.html . (3) http://www.mykoweb.com/CAF/species/Tremella_foliacea.html . (4) http://www.grzyby.pl/gatunki/Tremella_foliacea.htm .

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Informations sur la provenance

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2011 Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy
Dr. Amadej Trnkoczy
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