Description :
Hastigerina (has-tidge-err-ine-a) pelagica, is one of the pelagic foraminifera, in which the test is formed of almost spherical chambers. The test gives rise to long spines as well as to many pseudopodia. This species contains symbiotic algae, and some are visible as orange dots in the pseudopodial halo around the cell. This is an example of one of the four types of large amoebae which is common in the marine water column. Dark ground image by Dave Caron.
Inclus dans les pages suivantes :
- Life
- Cellular (Organismes cellulaires)
- Eukaryota (eucaryotes)
- SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
- Rhizaria
- Retaria
- Foraminifera
- Globothalamea
- Rotaliida
- Globigerinina
- Hastigerinidae
- Hastigerina
- Hastigerina pelagica
Cette image ne figure dans aucune collection.
Informations sur la provenance
- licence
- cc-by-nc
- auteur
- Dave Caron
- fournisseur
- micro*scope
- original
- fichier de média d’origine
- visiter la source
- site partenaire
- micro*scope
- ID