
Sesbania tomentosa

Image de Sesbania tomentosa Hook. & Arn.

Description :

OhaiFabaceae (Legume or Pea family)Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands (Originally found on all main islands, but now extinct on Niihau; and also in the NW Islands on Necker and Nhoa)Endangered Oahu (Cultivated); Nhoa fromOhai were one of the favored lei flowers by early Hawaiians. On Niihau, they called this plant ohai o Papiahuli, the meaning is unknown.Ohai are still used today in lei and strung much like other native pea-like flowers, such as wikiwiki, mmane, nanea, nuku iiwi, and wiliwili.EtymologyThe generic name Sesbania is derived from sesban, the Arabic name for Sesbania sesban (syn S. aegyptiaca), Egyptian rattlepod.The specific epithet tomentosa means "furry" or literally "covered with matted hairs," though not all forms are furry.nativeplants.hawaii.edu/plant/view/Sesbania_tomentosa

Informations sur la provenance

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David Eickhoff
David Eickhoff
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