

Image de Hygrophore ponceau

Description :

Hygrocybe puniceaScarlet Waxy CapSlo.: velika vlanicaDat.: Oct. 02. 2010Lat.: 46.03500 Long.: 13.88080Code: Bot_462/2010_IMG2577Habitat: In grass, unmaintained mountain pasture, flat terrain, calcareous ground, full sun,exposed to direct rain, average precipitations 2.000-2.600 mm/year, average temperature 6-8 deg C, elevations 1.050 m (3,450 feet), Dinaric phytogeographical region.Substratum: soilPlace: Vojsko flats, southeast of Smodin farm house, Idrijsko, Slovenia EC Comments: Growing solitary, pileus diameter up to 50 mm (2 inch), SP white.Spore shape and dimensions: smooth, almond shaped, 8,3 (SD = 0,7) x 5,4 (SD = 0,5) micr., Q = 1,61 (SD = 0,12), n = 30. Ref.:(1) D.Arora, Mushrooms Demystified, Ten Speed Press, Berkeley (1986), p 114. (2) R.M. Daehncke, 1200 Pilze in Farbfotos, AT Verlag (2009), p 167. (3) M.Bon, Parey's Buch der Pilze, Kosmos (2005), p106. (4) A. Poler, Veselo po gobe, Mohorjeva druba, Celovec (2002), p 330.(5) Personal communication with Mr. Bojan Rot, www.gobenabovskem.si

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Amadej Trnkoczy
Amadej Trnkoczy
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