
Trametes versicolor - Karen Dillman

Image de Coriole versicolore

Description :

Description: English: Trametes versicolor (Turkey Tails) is a common fungus that decomposes hardwoods such as alder. This sample is brightly colored but others vary in color with any combination of white, grey, brown, blue red or black. Some older samples can look greenish with a layer of algae on them. A remarkable trait about this fungus is that its fruiting body stays firm for a long time, and you could go out in the winter and find it. People collect it for teas, tinctures, natural dyes, paper and jewelry. It is purported to have anti-cancer and immune boosting properties. #FungiFriday. Date: 13 October 2017. Source: https://www.facebook.com/TongassNF/photos/a.512861925512537.1073741830.509767092488687/1134649890000401/?type=3&theater. Author: Photo by Karen Dillman, Forest ecologist, Mitkof island.

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