
NMNH-EO 036178 New Zealand Scallop Pecten novaezealandiae 001

Image de pecten de Nouvelle-Zélande

Description :

Description: English: Pecten novaezelandiae shell specimen held at the US National Museum of Natural History. USNM Number: EO36178. Collector: P. Carpenter. Collecting Locality: Pacific Ocean, New Zealand. Date: 26 December 2012, 12:07:24. Source: https://www.si.edu/object/nmnheducation_10801160. Author: National Museum of Natural History . . Native name: National Museum of Natural History. Parent institution: Smithsonian Institution. Location: 10th Street / Constitution Avenue NWWashington, D.C. 20560United States of America. Coordinates: 38° 53′ 29″ N, 77° 01′ 33″ W . Established: 1910. Web page: naturalhistory.si.edu . Authority control: : Q148554 VIAF: 134356831 ISNI: 0000 0004 5894 6464 ULAN: 500311469 LCCN: n78083411 NLA: 35376276 WorldCat. institution QS:P195,Q148554.

Informations sur la provenance