

Image de Pyrosomatinae Lahille 1888

Description :

Warning The original file is very high-resolution. It might not load properly or could cause your browser to freeze when opened at full size. To avoid these issues, use the ZoomViewer. : Open in ZoomViewer. Description: English: August 1885 Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly illustration of Ernst von Bibra Pyrosoma atlantica. Bibra relates in his "Travels to Chili", that he once caught half a dozen pyrosomas, by whose phosphorescence he could distinctly read their own description in a naturalist's Vade-mecum. reference After some excursions in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) , he boarded the Reform and on July 1 rounded Cape Horn in very stormy weather. He debarked in Valparaiso and spent five months in Chile.. reference. Date: 1885. Source: Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, August 1885 page 249 (article on luminous sea life). Author: Unknown authorUnknown author.

Informations sur la provenance

Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, August 1885 page 249 (article on luminous sea life)
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