
Flowers of Phyllanthus emblica L. - Flickr - lalithamba

Image de Amla

Description :

Description: Family: Phyllanthaceae Local name: Amla, goose berry, Usiri Distribution: Wild in tropical forests in India, and cultivated for fruit. The photograph was taken in Eastern ghats of Andhra pradesh India. Description: Deciduous tree, shedding its leaves before flowering. Flowers 3-5mm across, greenish yellow, borne in axillary fascicles, unisexual, male and female mixed. Tepals 6, oblong, disk in male minute, in female cupular. Stamens 3, connate, forming a column, the anthers cohering. Ovary 3 celled, ovules 2 in each cell, styles connate at the base and stigmas recurved and bifid. Drupes 2-3cm across, depressed globose, fleshy, pale green with 6 faint radial lines. The amla tree flowers briefly during March. The fruit matures in December. Date: 20 March 2009, 10:16. Source: Flowers of Phyllanthus emblica L.. Author: Lalithamba from India.

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