
Whitespotted Bamboo Shark (27900126855)

Image de Requin-chabot À Taches Bleues

Description :

Description: So here we go, these are Whitespotted Bamboo Shark. I wonder why they were crowding so and wre all over each other when the rest of the tank was totally empty! It probably gives them a feeling of security. The whitespotted bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium plagiosum, is a carpet shark with an adult size that approaches one metre in length This small, mostly nocturnal species is harmless to humans. The whitespotted bamboo shark is occasionally kept as a pet in larger home aquaria. It can grow up to 93 cm in length. These sharks are found on coral reefs of the Pacific Ocean. They are common in the coastal areas of Indonesia and surrounding waters, but the species' range extends from Japan to India. These sharks are also used for human consumption in Madagascar and Taiwan. (Toronto, Canada, Nov.2015). Date: 1 November 2015, 00:00. Source: Whitespotted Bamboo Shark. Author: shankar s. from Dubai, united arab emirates.

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shankar s.|sourceurl=https://flickr.com/photos/77742560@N06/27900126855%7Carchive=https://web.archive.org/web/20200813231955/https://www.flickr.com/photos/77742560@N06/27900126855%7Creviewdate=2019-07-29 01:45:11|reviewlicense=cc-by-2.0|reviewer=FlickreviewR 2
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