
Juncus acutus flowerhead NC5

Image de Jonc Piquant

Description :

Description: English: Introduced, yearlong-green perennial, tussock-forming, shortly rhizomatous rush. Stems are 30–160 cm long and 2–4 mm diam. Leaves are terete, basal, shorter than the stems and sharp tipped. Flowerheads are 4–13 cm long; flowers are clustered, with 5–50 clusters per flowerhead. Capsules are much longer than the outer tepals. Flowering is from spring to summer. A serious weed of seasonally to permanently damp areas that should be eradicated before it becomes extensive and uncontrollable. Spiny Rush forms dense hemispherical tussocks. Its leaves and flower stems end in very sharp, hard points that can pierce the skin. It is a serious weed because of its abundant seed production, very pointed tips and large root-ball, which make control difficult. Date: 15 August 2015, 09:41:48. Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/73840284@N04/32231552453/. Author: Macleay Grass Man. Camera location32° 24′ 15.46″ S, 151° 44′ 21.34″ E View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap-32.404295; 151.739262.

Informations sur la provenance

droit d’auteur
Macleay Grass Man
Macleay Grass Man
Harry Rose (73840284@N04)
fichier de média d’origine
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Wikimedia Commons