
Noblella madreselva 01

Image de Noblella madreselva Catenazzi, Uscapi & von May 2015

Description :

Description: Español: Holotipo de Noblella madreselva macho CORBIDI 15769 (LHC 15.6 mm) en vistas dorsal (A), ventral (B) y dorsolateral (C) views. Paratopotipo, hembra CORBIDI 15770 (LHC 17.6 mm) en vistas dorsal (D), ventral (E) y dorsolateral (F). English: Holotype of Noblella madreselva male CORBIDI 15769 (SVL 15.6 mm) in dorsal (A), ventral (B) and dorsolateral (C) views. Paratopotype, female CORBIDI 15770 (SVL 17.6 mm) in dorsal (D), ventral (E) and dorsolateral (F) views. Date: 2015. Source: Catenazzi A, Uscapi V, von May R (2015) A new species of Noblella (Amphibia, Anura, Craugastoridae) from the humid montane forests of Cusco, Peru. ZooKeys 516: 71-84. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.516.9776. Author: Alessandro Catenazzi, Vanessa Uscapi, Rudolf von May.

Informations sur la provenance

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Alessandro Catenazzi, Vanessa Uscapi, Rudolf von May
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Wikimedia Commons