
The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, 1754 Garrulus Carolinensis - The Chatterer (19117862074) rev

Image de Calycanthus floridus L.

Description :

Description: English: Illustration of Bombycilla cedrorum and Calycanthus floridus from Mark Catesby (1731 onwards), The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands (p. 46 in the first edition). Date: Derived: 2015-10-08. Source: This file was derived from: The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, 1754 Garrulus Carolinensis - The Chatterer (19117862074).jpg: Background colour was a bit too blue; adjusted to be more neutral. Author: Original: Mark Catesby, 1683-1749Derived: Peter coxhead.

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