
Eragrostis mexicanaOrange plant3 (8677085925)

Image de Eragrostis mexicana (Hornem.) Link

Description :

Description: Introduced, warm-season, annual, tufted grass to 1.2 m tall; nodes sometimes have a brown ring of glands below them. Leaves are hairless, with rigid 3 mm long hairs either side of the ligule. Flowerheads are contracted panicles at first, becoming open at maturity (9-50 cm long). A native of Europe, it is a weed of disturbed areas of agriculture and habitation (e.g. crops, sown pastures, gardens, roadsides and waste areas). Date: 9 April 2013, 10:45. Source: Eragrostis mexicanaOrange plant3. Author: Harry Rose from South West Rocks, Australia.

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Harry Rose
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