
Poa sieberiana plant14 (8368140779)

Image de Poa sieberiana Spreng.

Description :

Description: English: Native, yearlong-green, perennial, densely tufted grass to 80 cm tall. Leaves are long, fine (about 0.5 mm wide), green to dull green, rough to the touch and often drooping. Found in many situations; often in woodlands and forests; more common on well drained mid to upper slopes than in drainage lines. Provides shelter for other plants to establish between tussocks. Although rarely abundant in coastal pastures, it is a highly productive and leafy species that produces good quantities of green leaf from autumn to spring. Palatability and quality are generally low as it usually retains a significant percentage of dead leaf. Date: 11 January 2013, 11:11. Source: Poa sieberiana plant14. Author: Harry Rose from South West Rocks, Australia.

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Harry Rose
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