
Yellow jelly fungus

Image de Tremellomycetes

Description :

Tremella mesenterica, yellow jelly fungus, has a 'wet' appearance. Maine, 28th November 2008, mixed coastal forest. The identification is confirmed by Antonio Hernndez, Spain, vila, confirmed Navaluenga, He says ...Description: Mushroom that produces fruiting bodies as jellied masses of 3 - 10 cm, spherical or tuberculous initially but later forms lobes or smoothed pleats to give the impression of a brain. Attaches by means of a central small base. It is of soft, watery consistency, flat and brilliant surface, and yellow lemon or orange depending on the humidity and state of the mushroom. The fertile part is in the interior and it includes structures called pointed esterigmas that will break the jellied part and to liberate the spores to the exterior. These are subglobose or widely ovoid, flat, hyaline, and 9 x 8 microns in diameter. Habitat and ecology: It grows on dead wood of any type, producing a white characteristic rotting.

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