
Image de Lineus

Image de Lineus

Description :

Figure 2.A–B Tubulanus rhabdotus: B detail of the head, mouth and lateral organ (modified from Corrêa 1954) C–E Baseodiscus delineatus: C entire specimen, the worm has expulsed the proboscis D ventral detail of the head E dorsal detail of the head F–I Dushia atra: G dorsal detail of the head H ventral detail of the head I detail of the tail showing the caudal cirrus J–L Lineus stigmatus: J entire specimen, the worm autotomized K ventral detail of the head L lateral detail of the head. b brain, c cirrus, cg cephalic grooves, e eyes, lo lateral organ, m mouth, p proboscis, pp proboscis pore.

Informations sur la provenance

droit d’auteur
Jaime Gonzalez-Cueto, Sigmer Quiroga, Jon Norenburg
citation bibliographique
Gonzalez-Cueto J, Quiroga S, Norenburg J (2014) A shore-based preliminary survey of marine ribbon worms (Nemertea) from the Caribbean coast of Colombia ZooKeys 439: 83–108
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