
Image de unclassified Scleractinia

Image de unclassified Scleractinia

Description :

Figure 2.Pachyseris rugosa. a Lateral view of colony IRD HS1442 b Lateral view of colony IRD HS152 showing very irregular fronds and carinae c Detail of the fronds of specimen IRD HS152 d Specimen IRD HS221, white arrow points at a dash-like columella e SEM image of IRD HS2594, white arrows point at the fused dissepiments connecting the inner end of the radial elements and the reduced columellae f SEM image of ornamentation on radial elements showing single granules (sg), clumped granules (cg) and menianae (me).

Informations sur la provenance

droit d’auteur
Tullia I. Terraneo, Michael L. Berumen, Roberto Arrigoni, Zarinah Waheed, Jessica Bouwmeester, Annalisa Caragnano, Fabrizio Stefani, Francesca Benzoni
citation bibliographique
Terraneo T, Berumen M, Arrigoni R, Waheed Z, Bouwmeester J, Caragnano A, Stefani F, Benzoni F (2014) Pachyseris inattesa sp. n. (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Scleractinia): a new reef coral species from the Red Sea and its phylogenetic relationships ZooKeys 433: 1–30
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