
Image de Zealeuctra warreni Ricker & Ross 1969

Image de Zealeuctra warreni Ricker & Ross 1969

Description :

Figures 10.Zealeuctra warreni, scanning electron micrographs, USA, Arkansas, Polk Co., Rock Creek, 26 November 1983 (A), USA, Arkansas, Scott Co., Johnson Creek, 6 January 1999 (B–D). A male, cleft, dorsal view, 200× B male, epiproct, lateral view, 350× C male, tip of anterior accessory spine, anterior view, 3500× D female, posteromedial portion of seventh abdominal sternite, 350×.

Informations sur la provenance

droit d’auteur
Scott A. Grubbs, Boris C. Kondratieff, Bill P. Stark, R. Edward DeWalt
citation bibliographique
Grubbs S, Kondratieff B, Stark B, DeWalt R (2013) A review of the Nearctic genus Zealeuctra Ricker (Plecoptera, Leuctridae), with the description of a new species from the Cumberland Plateau region of eastern North America ZooKeys 344: 17–47
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