
Image de Leucochrysa

Image de Leucochrysa

Description :

Figure 26.Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) pretiosa female genitalia. A Internal genital complex, including bursal glands B Bursal and spermathecal complexes, with subgenitale [Note the small pegs at the base of the bursal duct and the larger ones distally.] C Bursal and spermathecal complexes D Spermathecal complex [Note the large spermathecal invagination that tapers to a narrow tubule in the upper part of the bowl.] E Tip of bursa copulatrix with granulose, conical connection with bursal gland (A–D Cayo District, Belize; E State of Carabobo, Venezuela). Abbreviations: b.c. bursa copulatrix b.d. bursal duct b.gl. bursal gland b.gl.c. connection between bursal gland and bursa copulatrix inv spermathecal invagination lpeg large peg on distal part of bursal duct sg subgenitale sp spermatheca speg small peg on basal part of bursal duct sp.d. spermathecal duct sp.d.-t brushy terminus of spermathecal duct.

Informations sur la provenance

droit d’auteur
Catherine A. Tauber, Francisco Sosa, Gilberto S. Albuquerque
citation bibliographique
Tauber C, Sosa F, Albuquerque G (2013) Two common and problematic leucochrysine species – Leucochrysa (Leucochrysa) varia (Schneider) and L. (L.) pretiosa (Banks) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae): redescriptions and synonymies ZooKeys 310: 57–101
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