
Image de Stegodyphus mimosarum Pavesi 1883

Image de Stegodyphus mimosarum Pavesi 1883

Description :

Figure 3.A–I Habitus of living Stegodyphus, photographs. A–C Stegodyphus lineatus A adult female from Hurghada, Egypt B adult female from Negev desert, Israel (photo by Rudolf Macek) C adult female from Shoam, Israel (photo by Amir Weinstein) D juvenile Stegodyphus tibialis feeding on their mother, Dali, China (photo by Yang Zi-Zhong) E Stegodyphus mimosarum, male (black arrow), females and a kleptoparasite Archeodictyna (white arrow) F Stegodyphus mimosarum, mass attack on a carabid G a female Stegodyphus dumicola feeding her offsprings H a pompilid wasp larva feeds on a female Stegodyphus dumicola (photos E–H by Teresa Meikle) I Stegodyphus sp. female from ShweSettaw Wildlife Reservation, Myanmar (photo by Dong Lin).

Informations sur la provenance

droit d’auteur
Jeremy A. Miller, Charles E. Griswold, Nikolaj Scharff, Milan Řezáč, Tamás Szűts, Mohammad Marhabaie
citation bibliographique
Miller J, Griswold C, Scharff N, Řezáč M, Szűts T, Marhabaie M (2012) The velvet spiders: an atlas of the Eresidae (Arachnida, Araneae) ZooKeys 195: 1–144
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