
Image de Orobdella mononoke Nakano 2012

Image de Orobdella mononoke Nakano 2012

Description :

Figure 4.Orobdella mononoke sp. n., holotype, KUZ Z224. A Dorsal view of somites I–VIII B ventral view of somites I–VIII C dorsal view of somites XXV–XXVII and caudal sucker D ventral view of somites XXV–XXVII and caudal sucker E ventral view of somites XI–XIII F ventral view of gastroporal duct; and G ventral view of gastropore and female gonopore. Scale bars, 2 mm (A–F) and 0.5 mm (G). Abbreviations: an, anus; cp, crop; fp, female gonopore; gd, gastroporal duct; gp, gastropore; mp, male gonopore; np, nephridiopore; and ph, pharynx.

Informations sur la provenance

droit d’auteur
Takafumi Nakano
citation bibliographique
Nakano T (2012) A new sexannulate species of Orobdella (Hirudinida, Arhynchobdellida, Orobdellidae) from Yakushima Island, Japan ZooKeys 181: 79–93
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