
1. Lophelia Prolifera, 2. Peachia Triphylla, 3. Sphenditrochus Wrightii, 4. 5. S. Mac Andrewanus, 5. Zoanthus Couchii, 6. Paracyathus Taxilianus, 7. P. Pteropus, 8. P. Thulensis, 9. Phyllangia Americana, 10. 11. Balanophyllia Regia, 12. 13. Cyathina Smith

Image de Caryophylliidae Dana 1846

Description :

1. Lophelia Prolifera, 2. Peachia Triphylla, 3. Sphenditrochus Wrightii, 4. 5. S. Mac Andrewanus, 5. Zoanthus Couchii, 6. Paracyathus Taxilianus, 7. P. Pteropus, 8. P. Thulensis, 9. Phyllangia Americana, 10. 11. Balanophyllia Regia, 12. 13. Cyathina Smithii.

Informations sur la provenance

éditeur de publication
Freshwater and Marine Image Bank, University of Washington Libraries Digital Collections
Freshwater and Marine Image Bank