Blue Smelt or Pez del Rey, Atherinopsis californiensis Girard, San Diego.
Chirostoma chapalae Jordan & Snyder, new species. Type.
Kirtlandia vagrans : Egg with blastoderm of 2 cells.
Menidia beryllina cerea Kendall.
Chirostoma ocotlane, Lateral and dorsal views of head.
Craterocephalus fluviatilis.
Menidia menidia.
Chirostoma diazi Jordan & Snyder, new species. Type.
Chirostoma lermoe, Lateral and dorsal views of head.
Kirtlandia vagrans : Egg showing later stage in differentiation of embryo.
Atherina uisila Jordan & Seale, new species. Type.
Atherinella panamensis Steindachner. Pahama.
Chirostoma jordani, sp. nov.. Mexico City, Mexico
Silverside. Menidia menidia.
Silverside. Menidia beryllina cerea.
Atherina stipes.
Kirtlandia vagrans : Young fish 11 mm. in length.
Atherina insularum Jordan & Evermann; from the type.
Chirostoma promelas, lateral and dorsal views of head.
Atherina evermanni Eigenmann, new species.