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Uropyxis daleae (Dietel & Holw.) Magnus 1899

Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut North American Flora
Uropyxis daleae (Dietel & Holway) Magn. Ber. Dents
Bot. Ges. 17 : 115. 1899.
Puccinia Daleae Dietel & Holway, Bot. Gaz. 24 : 27. 1897.
Pycnia unknown
Uredinia chiefiy hypophyllous, scattered, or gregarious on yellow spots, often circulating, round, 0.2-0.7 mm. across, soon naked, pale cinnamon-brown, somewhat pulverulent, ruptured epidermis usually noticeable ; paraphyses peripheral, abundant, variously bent and incurved, linear-clavate or somewhat capitate, 13-23 by 50-77//, wall nearly or quite colorless, irregularly thickened, thicker above, 5-7 //, smooth ; urediniospores broadly ellipsoid or globoid, 16-22 by 18-25//; wall medium thin, 1-1.5//, thicker when immature, pale golden yellow, finely and closely echinulate-verrucose, pores numerous, 12 or more, scattered, obscure.
bibliografinen lainaus
Joseph Charles Arthur. 1907. UREDINALES; COLEOSPORIACEAE, UREDINACEAE, AECIDIACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 7(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut North American Flora
Uropyxis eysenhardtiae (Dietel & Holway) Magn. Ber. Deuts
Bot. Ges. 17 : 115. 1899.
Puccinia Eysenhardtiae Dietel & Holway, Bot. Gaz. 24 : 27. 1897.
Pycnia unknown
Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered, round, small, 0.1-0.2 mm. across, soon naked, pale-yellow, somewhat pulverulent, ruptured epidermis not noticeable ; paraphyses peripheral, very abundant and prominent, strongly incurved, scimitar-shaped, 10-18 by 42-77//, wall nearly or quite colorless, thin on concave side, much thickened on convex side and apex, 3-5 /*, smooth ; urediniospores nearly globoid, small, 14-17 by 15-21 fi ; wall thin, 1 ft, pale-yellow, echinulate-verrucose, pores about 6-8, scattered, very obscure.
Telia hypophyllous, at first arising from the uredinia, scattered, round, small, 0.1-0.2 mm. across, soon naked, chocolate-brown, pulverulent, ruptured epidermis inconspicuous ; paraphyses as in uredinia and equally abundant ; teliospores elliptical, 24-28 by 36-45 ft, rounded at both ends, slightly or not constricted at septum ; wall laminate, inner layer chestnut-brown, 2.5-3 fi thick, pores 2 in each cell, lateral and opposite, outer layer pale amber-colored, gelatinous, 2-3 fi thick in water, sparsely and evenly verrucose ; pedicel colorless, half length of spore or longer, in water swelling to 18 fi and becoming nearly globular.
On Fabaceae :
Eysenhardtia amorphoides H.B.K., Jalisco.
Eysenhardtia orthocarpa (A. Gray) S. Wats., Mexico (state). Type locality: Near City of Mexico, Mexico, on Eysenhardtia orthocarpa. Distribution : Southern Mexico.
bibliografinen lainaus
Joseph Charles Arthur. 1907. UREDINALES; COLEOSPORIACEAE, UREDINACEAE, AECIDIACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 7(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora