
Distribution ( englanti )

tarjonnut EOL authors
South China through Southeast Asia and Malesia to New Guinea. Absent from Central and East Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, the Solomon Islands and Australia.
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EOL authors

Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut EOL authors
Trees, monoecious. Twigs never angular or ridged, without lenticels, sometimes flaky. Leaves membranous or chartaceous, slightly brittle when dry, lower surface not pale, not papillose, dots absent; reticulation lax, distinct or not. Inflorescences with male and female flowers mixed, sometimes pseudoterminal (terminal bud of twigs abortive), paniculate, branched from near the base; basal cataphylls caducous; bracts caducous; flowers in small clusters, buds either on the same or in different stages of development. Flowers short or long pedicellate, at base not articulated; bracteole absent. Male flowers with rotate, thinly leathery, inside pubescent, yellowish or rarely bright red perianth; buds small, ellipsoid, ovoid or subglobose, cleft to nearly ¾ or nearly to base; lobes 3-5, spread or recurved at anthesis; androecium with a narrow, glabrous androphore; synandrium small (depressed) globose or short-ellipsoid, with 2-6 completely fused, short (0.5 mm. or less) elliptic anthers. Female flowers similar to male; ovary ovoid, glabrous; stigma sessile, minute, 2-lobed, lobes narrow or broad and 2-5 lobulate. Infructescences small or large panicles, to 30 cm. long. Fruits ellipsoid or ovoid, glabrous, yellow or purplish; pericarp thin or thick, fleshy-leathery; aril yellowish or red, subentire or to halfway laciniate; seeds usually pointed at apex, variegated; albumen ruminated, without starch; embryo unknown.
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EOL authors