Variety douglasii has stems hirsute; involucres (15–)20–25(–30) mm diam.; outer phyllaries rarely elongated, margins ciliate, abaxial faces sparsely puberulent; ray laminae 30–40 mm; and 2n = 30. It grows in grasslands in the northern Rocky Mountains and on the east side of the Cascade Range (B.C.; Idaho, Oreg., Wash.) at 300–2500 m where it flowers May–Jul.
Variety uniflora has stems sparingly puberulent to scabrous; involucres 15–20(–25) mm diam.; outer phyllaries frequently elongated, margins not ciliate, abaxial faces uniformly cinereous-pubescent; ray laminae 20–30 mm; and 2n = 30. It grows in meadows, sagebrush scrublands, swales, aspen forests, rocky slopes, and spruce-fir forests of the Rocky Mountains, intermountain plateaus, and Great Basin ranges (Ariz., Colo., Idaho, Mont., Nev., Oreg., Utah, Wyo.) at 1500–3400 m, where it flowers (May–)Jun–Jul(–Aug).