
Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Serpophaga subcristata (Vieillot)

This little flycatcher was added to the known victims of the shiny cowbird when Eugene Gerzenstein found a parasitized nest on 6 November 1960, southwest of Paso Real, on the Solis Chico River, Departamento de Canelones, Uruguay.


Empidonomus aurantioatrocristatus (d'Orbigny and Lafresnaye)

To the 2 records of this flycatcher as a victim of the shiny cowbird known to us earlier (Friedmann, 1929:105) may be added 3 more: 2 from Manchalá, Tucumán, northwestern Argentina, 20 October 1925 and 10 October 1930, taken by Pablo Girard, and both now in the collections of the Museo de La Plata; and 1 found in Entre Rios, 23 December 1970, by S. Narosky.

bibliografinen lainaus
Friedmann, Herbert, Kiff, Lloyd F., and Rothstein, Stephen I. 1977. "A further contribution of knowledge of the host relations of the parasitic cowbirds." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-75. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.235