Andrea Grosse, John P. Mosesso /
NBII images
Category hierarchy: Special Collections | Guyra ParaguayDescription: White flowering Samu'u tree. Chorisia speciosa, Bombacaceae. Palo borracho rosado, Palo botella, Samu'u, Samuhu, Showy chorisia, Silk-floss-tree. El nombre vulgar se debe al abultamiento del tronco, aunque esta especie no alcanza las proporciones de la especie hermana del chaco, Chorisia insignis, que tiene realmente forma de botella.Original date: 20040425Locality: Latitude: -2.344250000000000e+001; Longitude: -5.844380000000000e+001
Public Domain 2011 Annette Olson Courtesy of
NBII images
Category hierarchy: Interactions Among Species | Defense: Poisons & MoreDescription: Thorns growing from the bark of a bombax tree. Tentatively identified as Chorisia speciosa.Capture device: Sony CyberShot DSC-P200 digitalLocality: Latitude: 2.567732480000000e+001; Longitude: -8.027171749999999e+001