Brief Summary
tarjonnut IABIN
Diagnosis of adult A small, slender species (males 27.1-28.5 mm snout-vent length) belonging to the Hylodes lateristrigatus group, characterized by (1)snout rounded in dorsal view, (2) thumb without nuptial asperities or spines, (3) upper surfaces of finger discs without well developed scutes, (4) dorsum dark brown.
- tekijä
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- muokkaaja
- Diego Arrieta
tarjonnut IABIN
This species is known from the type locality in the Serra das Cabras and Sousas in the State of São Paulo and in the Parque Nacional de Itatiaia, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- tekijä
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- muokkaaja
- Diego Arrieta
Diagnostic Description
tarjonnut IABIN
Description of holotype Body slender; head longer than wide, snout round in dorsal view and protruding in lateral view; nostrils slightly protuberant, directed laterally; canthus rostralis distinct; loreal region weakly concave; tympanum distinct, large, diameter about 2/3 eye diameter; weak supratympanic fold; well developed lateral vocal sacs; vocal slits present; tongue medium-sized; vomerine teeth in two small series, between and behind choanae; choanae small. Arms robust; thumb without nuptial asperities or spines; subarticular tubercles single, round; outer metacarpal tubercle nearly round, inner metacarpal tubercle elliptical; finger discs medium sized, nearly round; finger length I = II < IV < III; fingers laterally fringed; upper surfaces of finger discs without well developed scutes; finger and toe discs of about equal size. Legs moderately robust; foot with an ovoid inner metatarsal tubercle and a protruding round outer metatarsal tubercle; subarticular tubercles single, round; toes extensively fringed laterally; extensive tarsal fold-flap continuous distally with toe fringe on outer side of first toe. Dorsal skin texture slightly rugged; undersurfaces smooth; rugged texture near the vent. Color in life of the holotype: Dorsum dark brown; upper surfaces of thigh, tibia, and foot reddish brown with dark transverse bars; forearm reddish brown Â?with dark spots; light line extending from the eye to the groin; dark brown lateral stripe extending from tip of snout, through nostril, eye, and tympanum to near arm insertion; a whitish lateral stripe below the dark brown stripe extending from tip of snout to the arm insertion; lips dark; throat and belly whitish with dark brown marbling; iris cupreous. Color in preservative of the holotype: In preservative (alcohol 70%), the colors are similar to those in life, except for the reddish-brown areas and iris that Â? become brown. Measurements of the holotype: snout-vent length 27.1; head length 10.9; head width 9.1; eye diameter 3.8; eye-nostril distance 1.6; tympanum diameter 2.1; tight length 14.0; tibia length 14.3; foot length 14.4. Variation In life, the whitish lateral stripe may be yellowish. Measurements, (mean, range) in mm of three males: snout-vent length 27.6, 27.1-28.5; head length 10.8, 10.7-10.9; head width 9.2, 9.1-9.3; eye diameter 3.8,3.8; eye-nostril distance 1.7,1.6-1.8; tympanum diameter 2.3, 2.1-2.6; tight length 14.0, 13.8-14.3; tibia length 14.4, 14.3-14.5; foot length 14.2, 14.1-14.4.
- tekijä
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- muokkaaja
- Diego Arrieta