tarjonnut AmphibiaWeb articles
Hylodes sazimai is a small slender species belonging to the Hylodes lateristrigatus, species group (sensu Heyer 1982 ) ,members are small, slender, smooth dorsums, and light dorsolateral stripes. Only males are known of this species, ranging from 27.1-28.5 mm SVL. Dorsal skin coloration is brown with the upper surfaces of the legs reddish brown with dark bars. Forearm is reddish brown with dark spots. There is a light line extending posteriorly from the eye to the groin along with a dark lateral stripe from tip of snout through nostril, eye and tympanum and terminating near arm insertion (white stripe parallel and below to this stripe also present). Lips dark, venter is whitish with dark brown marbling. Coppery iris. Head is longer than wide with a rounded snout when viewed dorsally, protruding in lateral view. Tympanum is distinct with a diameter two-thirds that of eye. Thumb lacking nuptial excrescences or spines. Relative finger lengths 1=2
Distribution and Habitat
tarjonnut AmphibiaWeb articles
Only known from the type locality next to the Observatorio de Caprocornio, Joaquim Egidio, Municipio de Campinas at 1100 m in elevation.
Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors
tarjonnut AmphibiaWeb articles
Males call sporadically. Three neighbors were studied while they called 10 m apart from one another (Haddad and Pombal Jr 1995) and advertised at intervals of 9.90+/- 1.27 sec at a temperature of 22 celcius. Calls were 2.0 sec long and had 28-35 notes per call at a rate of 14.5/s. Note duration was .04-.05 sec. Each note was a rising frequency modulated whistle with a dominant frequency range of 4.0-5.5 Khz.