Description: English: Geodiversity and biodiversity of the GARS. Major structures along the inner and outer shelves. (A) Sand dunes in the shallowest portion of the reef (60–70 m), (B) Reef covered by sediments between 70 and 80 m depth, (C) Diverse reef community with schools of Paranthias furcifer and bottom dominated by live crustose calcareous algae and black corals at 130 m depth, (D) Deepest portion of the GARS (220 m) with nearly 100% of live benthic coverage (mostly sponges, octocorals and black corals), (E) A cleaning station of the Peppermint shrimp Lysmata grabhami at 110 m depth, (F) Rhodolith mound built by the Sand tilefish Malacanthus plumieri at 130 m depth, (G) A large individual (>60 cm Total Length) of the commercially important and threatened snowy grouper Hyporthodus niveatus at 190 m depth and (H) an urchin barren at 130 m depth. Laser scale: 20 cm. Date: 12 April 2018, 01:00:31. Source: Francini-Filho RB, Asp NE, Siegle E, Hocevar J, Lowyck K, D'Avila N, Vasconcelos AA, Baitelo R, Rezende CE, Omachi CY, Thompson CC and Thompson FL (2018) Perspectives on the Great Amazon Reef: Extension, Biodiversity, and Threats. Front. Mar. Sci. 5:142. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00142 Author: Francini-Filho RB, Asp NE, Siegle E, Hocevar J, Lowyck K, D'Avila N, Vasconcelos AA, Baitelo R, Rezende CE, Omachi CY, Thompson CC and Thompson FL.