Thanit Siriboon, Chirasak Sutcharit, Fred Naggs, Somsak Panha
Figure 4.Genitalia of Perrottetia spp. A–C Perrottetia dermapyrrhosa sp. n. (paratype CUMZ 5002) A reproductive system B insertion of vas deferens into penial sheath, and C details of hermaphroditic duct and seminal vesicle D–F Perrottetia aquilonaria sp. n. (paratype CUMZ 5004), D reproductive system E insertion of vas deferens into penis sheath, and F details of hermaphroditic duct and seminal vesicle. Abbreviations: ag, albumen gland; at, atrium; fo, free oviduct; gd, gametolytic duct; gs, gametolytic sac; hd, hermaphroditic duct; ov, oviduct; p, penis; pr, penial retractor muscle; ps, penial sheath; psr, penial sheath retractor muscle; sv, seminal vesicle; ta, talon; v, vagina; vd, vas deferens.
Thanit Siriboon, Chirasak Sutcharit, Fred Naggs, Ben Rowson, Somsak Panha
Figure 11.Genitalia and pallial complex. A–C Discartemon discus CUMZ 6257, from Vietnam A reproductive system B insertion of vas deferens into penial sheath, and C circular and excretory systems and mantle edge D, E Discartemon nummus CUMZ 6208, from Patthalung D reproductive system, and E insertion of vas deferens into penial sheath.