
Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cyphocharax santacatarinae (Fernández-Yépez)

Curimatus gilberti.—Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889:424 [distribution in part, not cited occurrence in Rio Plata (= Río de La Plata) or southeastern portions of Brazil south of Santa Catarina, not coastal rivers of Brazil north of central São Paulo state].—Miranda-Ribeiro, 1908: page 3 of 5 unpaginated [Brazil: São Paulo, Rio [da] Ribeira; common name].—Eigenmann, 1910:421 [distribution in part, not cited occurrence in Río Paraguay basin].

Pseudocurimata santacatarinae Fernández-Yépez, 1948:50, fig. 25 [type locality: Brazil: Santa Catarina].—Britski, 1969:203 [type locality refined to Hansa, margin of Rio Itajai, near Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil; species transferred from Pseudocurimata to Curimatorbis].—Fowler, 1975:373 [reference].—de Godoy, 1987:233, 238 [Brazil: Santa Catarina; common name].—Vari, 1989a, tables 2, 3 [assignment to Cyphocharax].

Curimatorbis santacatarinae.—Britski, 1969:203 [shift of species from Pseudocurimata to Curimatorbis].

DIAGNOSIS.—Cyphocharax santacatarinae is distinguished from its congeners by the combination of 32 to 34 scales in the lateral line to the hypural joint, the development of pores along the entire lateral line in all but juvenile specimens, the 32 to 34, typically 33 vertebrae, the relative length of the postorbital portion of head (0.42–0.47 of HL), the relative length of the head (0.26–0.30 of SL), the relative width of the orbit (0.26–0.31 of HL), the absence of multiple series of longitudinal dark stripes or small dark spots in longitudinal rows on the body, the absence of a discrete patch of dark pigmentation on the dorsal fin, the presence of a patch of dark pigmentation on the midlateral surface of the caudal peduncle not preceded by 4 or 5 large midlateral dark spots on the body, the absence of a stripe of dark pigmentation across the middle rays of the caudal fin in moderate to large-sized specimens, and the possession of 9 branched dorsal-fin rays.

Cyphocharax santacatarinae has been confused with C. gilbert, an allopatric species distributed in coastal rivers from Rio de Janeiro to Bahia. Those species and two similar allopatric forms (C. modestus and C. voga) can be distinguished by various meristic features and details of pigmentation (see “Remarks” under C. gilbert for a detailed discussion).

DESCRIPTION.—Body moderately elongate, moderately compressed laterally in juveniles, somewhat more rotund in larger specimens. Dorsal profile of head distinctly convex from tip of snout to vertical line through posterior nostril, somewhat convex from that line to tip of supraoccipital spine. Dorsal profile of body smoothly curved from tip of supraoccipital spine to origin of dorsal fin; straight and posteroventrally slanted at base of dorsal fin, straight to gently convex from base of last dorsal-fin ray to caudal peduncle. Dorsal surface of body in adults with indistinct median keel anterior to dorsal fin, keel more obvious in smaller specimens; body smoothly rounded transversely posterior to fin. Ventral profile of body gently curved from tip of lower jaw to caudal peduncle. Prepelvic region very obtusely flattened transversely, with irregular median series of scales that are not enlarged relative to those on adjoining regions of body. Obtuse median keel posterior to origin of pelvic fin. Adults with very obtuse secondary keel on each side of postpelvic portion of body about two scales dorsal of ventral midline.

Greatest body depth at origin of dorsal fin, depth 0.35–0.40 [0.37]; snout tip to origin of dorsal fin 0.50–0.54 [0.50]; snout tip to origin of anal fin 0.79–0.84 [0.80]; snout tip to origin of pelvic fin 0.52–0.56 [0.53]; snout tip to anus 0.75–0.80 [0.77]; origin of dorsal fin to hypural joint 0.54–0.57 [0.56]. Dorsal fin obtusely pointed in profile distally, distal margin increasingly rounded with increasing age; last unbranched and first branched rays in adults two and three-quarters to three and one-quarter times length of ultimate ray. Pectoral fin obtusely pointed in profile distally; length of pectoral fin 0.18–0.22 [0.18], extending approximately two-thirds distance to vertical line through origin of pelvic fin. Pelvic fin obtusely pointed in profile distally, length of pelvic fin 0.20–0.24 [0.20], reaching to origin of anal fin in some young adults, less than three-quarters of that distance in larger specimens. Caudal fin forked. Adipose fin well developed. Anal fin emarginate, anteriormost branched rays about twice length of ultimate ray. Least depth of caudal peduncle 0.13–0.15 (0.13 rare) [0.14].

Head obtusely rounded anteriorly, somewhat pointed overall; head length 0.26–0.30 [0.28]; upper and lower jaws nearly equal, mouth terminal or barely subterminal; snout length 0.27–0.30 [0.27]; nostrils of each side very close, anterior circular, posterior crescent-shaped with aperture closed by thin flap of skin separating nares; orbital diameter 0.26–0.31 [0.29]; adipose eyelid poorly developed, limited to region anterior of orbit; length of postorbital portion of head 0.42–0.47 [0.45]; gape width 0.25–0.30 [0.35]; interorbital width 0.41–0.46 [0.41].

Pored lateral-line scales from supracleithrum to hypural joint 32 to 34 [33]; all scales of lateral line pored, canals in lateral-line scales straight; 3 or 4 series of pored scales extend beyond hypural joint onto caudal-fin base; 5 [5] scales in transverse series from origin of dorsal fin to lateral line; 4 to 5 [4] scales in transverse series from lateral line to origin of anal fin.

Dorsal-fin rays ii,9 or iii,9 (iii,9; when three unbranched rays present, first very short) [ii,9]; anal-fin rays ii,7 or 8, or iii,7 (ii,8 and iii,7 rare; when three unbranched rays present, first very short) [ii,7]; pectoral-fin rays 14 to 15 [14]; pelvic-fin rays i,8 [i,8].

Total vertebrae 32 (6), 33 (29), 34 (3).

COLOR IN LIFE.—(Based on transparencies by Dr. Ricardo M.C. Castro of recently captured juveniles collected in the Município de Bertioga, São Paulo state, Brazil, and a series of adults collected in the Riacho de Cabeceira, Município de Morretes, Rio Sagrado basin, Paraná state, Brazil.) Juveniles bright silver on body and lateral surfaces of head, dorsal portions of head darker. Prominent, large, rotund black spot covering posterolateral portion of caudal peduncle. Median fins with faint yellow-red coloration. Large specimens silvery overall, distinctly darker on dorsal portions of head and body. Obscure dark spot on midlateral surface of caudal peduncle. Scales with indistinct dark pigmentation visible on posterior portions of exposed surface. Irregular thin dark stripe visible along lateral line. Anterior margin of dorsal fin distinctly dusky, remainder of fin hyaline or slightly dusky along tips of fin rays. Dorsal and ventral rays of caudal fin dusky, basal half of other fin rays tan, rest of fin hyaline with dusky shading along fin rays. Anal and paired fins tan.

COLOR IN ALCOHOL.—Overall coloration of specimens retaining guanine on scales silvery to golden in juveniles, silvery or golden olive in larger specimens, darker on dorsal portions of head and body, particularly in largest individuals. Specimens lacking guanine on scales tan to olive, darker on dorsal portions of head and body. Smallest examined specimens with distinct rotund spot on caudal peduncle. Spot extending to dorsal and ventral borders of peduncle and onto basal portions of caudal-fin rays (Figure 68). Larger juveniles retaining spot on caudal peduncle, but dorsal and ventral margins of spot less heavily pigmented; central portion of spot quite distinct (Figure 69). Adults retaining spot on caudal peduncle. Spot of adults not approaching dorsal and ventral margins of caudal peduncle, more elongate than in smaller specimens, continuous anteriorly with fainter midlateral stripe (Figure 70), somewhat masked in specimens retaining guanine on scales (Figure 71). All fins, particularly dorsal and caudal fins, somewhat dusky, more so in adults.

DISTRIBUTION.—Coastal rivers of states of Paraná, Santa Catarina, and southern São Paulo states in Brazil (Figure 67).

COMMON NAME.—São Paulo, Brazil: Saguairú (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1908: page 3 of 5 unpaginated); Santa Catarina, Brazil: Peixe-Duro, Saguaru (de Godoy, 1987:233).

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—104 specimens (36, 25.5–201.0).

BRAZIL. São Paulo: Município de Bertioga, Riacho along highway SP-98, USNM 296523, 10; MZUSP 39787, 10. Iguape, MZUSP 1574, 1. Município de Eldorado, stream under first bridge from Eldorado to Sete Barras, MZUSP 40034, 1. Lagoons along margin of Rio Quilombo, along SP-165 between Juquiá and Sete Barras, MZUSP 40010, 3 (25.533.3). Rio Ribeira de Iguape basin, Barra do Turvo, MZUSP 40225, 2 (156.0–201.0). Ribeirão Poço Grande, along highway SP-79, 8 km from Juquiá, MZUSP 38611, 16 (10, 90.6–104.1). Riacho Arataca, tributary of Rio Jacupiranga, along road between Pariquera-açu and Iguape, MZUSP 39998, 1. Paraná: Ditch on road from Morretes to Paranaguá, MZUSP 21522, 2. Rio Cachoeira Antonina, MZUSP 21685, 4 (2, 90.2–94.2). Riacho Passa-Sete, Morretes, MZUSP 21521, 7. Rio Sagrado basin, Município de Morretes, Riacho de Cabeceira, USNM 296521, 5 (3, 57.8–86.1; 1 specimen cleared and counterstained for cartilage and bone). Santa Catarina: No exact locality, USNM 296460, 3 (104.5–140.0). Rio Cubatão near Joinville, MZUSP 21468, 1 (85.7). Joinville, NMW 66910, 4; NMW 66911, 5; NMW 66913, 2; NMW 66914, 2; NMW 66915, 1; NMW 66952, 2 (110.1–126.8); NMW 66954, 2; NMW 66955, 3; NMW 68767, 1; NMW 68768, 1; NMW 68919, 4; NMW 66956, 4 (104.5–125.8); USNM 296461, 2 (116.0–125.9); USNM 295898, 2 (117.1–120.0). Hansa, margin of Rio Itajai, near Blumeneau, CAS 11581, 1 (107.1, holotype of Pseudocurimata santacatarinae; see Britski (1969:203–204) with respect to exact type locality and correct authorship); MZUSP 1806, 1 (126.3, paratype of Pseudocurimata santacatarinae; see Britski (1969:203–204) with respect to exact type locality and correct depository). Rio da Madre, BR 101, Paulo Lopes, USNM 279588, 1.
bibliografinen lainaus
Vari, Richard P. 1992. "Systematics of the Neotropical characiform genus Cyphocharax Fowler (Pisces:Ostariophysi)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-137. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.529