
Platyscelio mzantsi Taekul & Johnson

Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut Zookeys
Description. General: Body length of male: 3.21–4.53 mm (n=20). Body length of female: 3.14–4.23 mm (n=20).
Head: Length between anterior ocellus and posterior ocellar line in frontal view: greater than or equal to 0.5 times POL. Striae within ocellar triangle: sparse (equal to or less than 20). Vertex sculpture between inner orbit and posterior ocellus: smooth or with few faint striae. Frontal sculpture between inner orbit and central keel: smooth. Submedial ventral area of head anterior to fossa: longitudinally striate throughout. Orbital carina: absent. Sculpture of malar region: longitudinally striate or with few faint striae.
Antenna: Color of female antenna: dark brown to black throughout. Female outer lateral apex of scape: bluntly rounded. Claval shape: apical margin of A9–A11 concave, closely fitting basal margin of following antennomere. Color of male antenna: dark brown to black throughout.
Mesosoma: Sculpture on medial lobe of mesoscutum: longitudinally striate. Setation of medial lobe of mesoscutum: moderately dense, even. Notaulus: present. Notaulus form: mesal and lateral margin arched. Length of notaulus: percurrent or nearly so. Width of notaulus anteriorly: parallel-sided. Pilosity of notaulus: absent. Number of lateral carinae on mesoscutum: 0. Medial carina of mesoscutum: absent. Parapsidal line: present or absent or faint. Posterior scutellar sulcus: interrupted medially. Setation of posterior half of ventral metapleural area: sparse (less than 25 setae). Metascutellum size: narrow, metanotum lateral to metascutellum with 4–6 foveae. Sculpture on ventral metapleural area: longitudinally striate or with few reticulations. Median propodeal sulcus: narrow throughout length. Sculpture of submedian propodeal field: longitudinally striate. Posterolateral margin of propodeum: margined by coarsely punctate furrow. Color of legs: coxae dark brown to black, otherwise brown.
Wings: Postmarginal vein: reduced, stumplike. Fore wing: hyaline or infuscate.
Metasoma: Sculpture on T1: longitudinally striate throughout. Sublateral carina on T2–T4: present, percurrent. Sculpture on T2–T4: T2 longitudinally striate throughout, T3–T4 longitudinally reticulate laterally, smooth medially.
bibliografinen lainaus
World species of the genus Platyscelio Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae)
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Distribution ( englanti )

tarjonnut Zookeys
South Africa.
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