Brief Summary
tarjonnut IABIN
Diagnosis belly texture smooth, tympanum hidden; largest disk tipe shape pointed; fingers disk sizes (all small): I=II
- tekijä
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- muokkaaja
- Diego Arrieta
tarjonnut IABIN
Occurs widely in southeastern Brazil in the States of Espirito Santo, southern Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo.
- tekijä
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- muokkaaja
- Diego Arrieta
Diagnostic Description
tarjonnut IABIN
Adult Morphology Males 12.9-15.2 mm snout-vent length females 16.1-22.0 mm snout-vent length. Snout outline subovoid to nearly rounded from above, rounded in profile: no cranial crests; upper eyelids smooth or with scattered warty tubercles; tympanum hidden or not visible, diameter about same as or less than Å? diameter of eye; males with single. slightly expanded vocal sac: males with vocal slits: vomerine teeth in transverse or obtuse series. almost in medial contact. lying far posterior to choanae: finger lengths variable, finger I ~ II ~IV< III finger tips rounded and barely pointed to swollen and pointed, lacking circumferential grooves, tip of finger III largest; fingers free of webbing, fringing, or ridging; finger subarticular tubercles not well developed, large but not raised; base of thumb on males swollen or not, if swollen with light white pad; weak row of tubercles on outer forearm present or absent. no prepollex; weak supratympatic fold present or absent. weak symmetrical dorsal ridges present or absent, distinct pair of dorsolateral folds from behind eye to past sacrum present or absent; dorsal texture smooth or with scattered warts and small tubercles or slightly glandular; venter smooth, seat patch area of under thigh. granular or not; toe lengths 1<1I< V = or
- tekijä
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- muokkaaja
- Diego Arrieta