
Lax 33014 elife-33014-fig6-v1

Sivun Mimiviridae kuva


Description: English: Bodo saltans virus (BsV) Phylogeny (A) Phylogenetic distance matrix of NCLDV genomes based on whole genome content of gene family presence/absence. Both axes are identical and ‘heat’ of the color increases with dissimilarity in genome content. The shaded ‘taxa’ on the axes indicate viral sequences assembled from metagenomic data. (B) Bayesian posterior consensus tree with Bayesian posterior probability of five concatenated Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Virus Orthologous Groups (NCVOGs) from selected NCLDVs based on two independent MCMC chains (16100 generations rel_diff: 0.104001 effsize: 297). The shaded labels at the end of the branches represent ‘taxa’ based on sequences assembled from metagenomic data (C) Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of DNA Polymerase family B of BsV within the Mimiviridae. Branch width correlated to the distribution of 256 metagenomic sequences identified as NCLDV DNA polymerase Family B genes from the TARA oceans project recruited to the tree with pplacer. Date: 27 March 2018. Source: Fig. 6 at https://elifesciences.org/articles/33014/figures at https://elifesciences.org/articles/33014 The kinetoplastid-infecting Bodo saltans virus (BsV), a window into the most abundant giant viruses in the sea. In: eLife 2018;7:e33014 doi:10.7554/eLife.33014 . Author: Christoph M. Deeg, Cheryl-Emiliane T. Chow, Curtis A. Suttle. Other versions: .

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Christoph M. Deeg, Cheryl-Emiliane T. Chow, Curtis A. Suttle
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