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Life is Blue!
<br /><h3>Fragmentary Blue</h3> <br /><p>Why make so much of fragmentary blue<br /> In here and there a bird, or butterfly,<br /> Or flower, or wearing-stone, or open eye,<br /> When heaven presents in sheets the solid hue?</p> <br /><p>Since earth is earth, perhaps, not heaven (as yet)–<br /> Though some savants make earth include the sky;<br /> And blue so far above us comes so high,<br /> It only gives our wish for blue a whet.</p> <br /><p>Robert Frost, 1920</p><br /> <p>Links: <br /> The Smaller Majority: <a href="http://thesmallermajority.com/2012/08/30/the-rarity-of-blue/">The rarity of blue</a> (Piotr Naskrecki ) </p><br /> <br /><p>Collection icon based on <a href="/data_objects/5839047">Rainbow Lorikeet</a> by Peter.</p> <br /> 155 pages
Darwin's Finches
<p>During his voyage to the Galápagos Islands, Charles Darwin noticed that many of the finches were similar, except for their oddly-shaped beaks. Each species of finch seemed to use its beak for something different. When he formulated his theory of natural selection, Darwin used the finches' beaks as examples of how different environments could shape species.</p> <p><b>Additional Darwin's Finches Resources:</b></p> <p><a href="http://bioquest.org/birdd/index.php">BIRRD Finch Problem Space, BioQuest Curriculum Consortium</a><a></a></p> <p><a href="http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/collection/darwinlibrary">Charles Darwin's Library Collection, Biodiversity Heritage Library</a></p> 12 pages
Species with funny English names
If you want to help build this collection, let me know by posting a message to the newsfeed. 97 pages