Description: English:
Red sea urchin (
Strongylocentrotus franciscanus or
Mesocentrotus franciscanus) - sold as a California Sea Urchin at a seafood market/restaurant at Redondo Beach Pier & King Harbor Marina in
Redondo Beach, California, U.S.A. It had been alive in a water tank until a few moments ago, and had just been processed for eating; the spines were still moving when this photo was taken. For size references, see the disposable dish (approximately 9 inches in diameter) and the two soup spoons. The newspaper underneath (another size reference) is the
Asahi Shimbun (most likely an international satellite edition), dated January 27, 2014, provided free of charge as disposable table cloths by the harbor's fish market.日本語: ハリナガオオバフンウニ (
Strongylocentrotus franciscanus または
Mesocentrotus franciscanus) -
朝日新聞』 (
国際衛星版と思われる) 。ウニのサイズの目安:使い捨ての皿(約22センチ)、スープ用スプーン、新聞紙の活字。. Date: 15 February 2014, 12:06:13. Source: Own work. Author:
Nandaro. Other versions: